Main Page/EcoData@York/Tree Species

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Here is the data set in an excel spreadsheet: Media:York_Tree_Species.xls (1999). The tree species lists were originally created by York Professor Michael G. Boyer and Michael Belanger in the 1980's.

Abies Balsam fir A. balsamea (L.) Mill. N[N] *
Abies Colorado white fir A. concolor (Gord.) Hildebrand. A[W] A[E]
Abies Korean fir A. Koreana Wils. A[E]
Acer Amur maple A. ginnala Maxim. A[N]
Acer Black maple A. nigrum Michx. f. A[N] WL[NE]
Acer Mountain maple A. spicatum Lam. WL[NW]
Acer Norway maple A. platanoides cv Crimson King A[N]
Acer Norway maple A. platanoides cv Schwedleri A[N]
Acer Red maple A. rubrum L. A[N]
Acer Red maple A. rubrum L. var drummondii A[N]
Acer Silver maple A. saccharinum L. WL[SE] *
Acer Silver maple A. saccharinum L. cv fastigata A[N]
Acer Silver maple A. saccharinum L. cv Wieri A[N] cut leaf maple
Acer Soft maple A. negundo L. WL[NW] *
Acer Sugar maple A. saccharum L. Marsh. WL[NE] A[N] *
Acer Sugar maple A. saccharum L. Marsh. cv Green Mountain A[N]
Aesculus Horse chestnut A. hippocastanum L. A[NE]
Aesculus Ohio buckeye A. glabra Willd. S[SW]
Aesculus Red buckeye A. paria L. A[NE]
Aesculus Pinkflowered buckeye A. x carnea Hayne A[NE]
Ailanthus Tree of heaven A. altissima (Mill.) Swingle F[Q]
Alnus Black alder A. glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. N[N]
Alnus Speckled alder A. rugosa (DuRoi) Spreng. Ca[W]
Amelanchier Serviceberry A. alnifolia Nuff. A[SE]
Amelanchier Serviceberry A. canadensis Medic. A[SE] A[NE]
Amelanchier Serviceberry A. x grandiflora Rehd. A[NE] A. arborea Michx. f. x laevis
Amelanchier Serviceberry A. laevis Wieg. A[SE] Fr[NE]
Aralia Japanese angelica tree A. elata Seem. A[E]
Betula Chinese red-barked birch "B. albosinensis Burk. cv septentrionalis" A[S]
Betula Grey birch B. populifolia Marsh. WL[NW] A[S]
Betula Maximowicz's birch B. maxmowicziana Reg. cv szechunica A[S]
Betula Silver birch B. pendula Roth. cv youngii A[S] syn. B. verrucosa Ehrh.
Betula White birch B. papyrifera Marsh. A[S] *
Betula Yellow birch B. allegheniensis Britton WL[NE]
Carpinus Blue beech C. caroliniana Walt. WL[NW]
Carya Bitternut hickory C. cordiformis (Wang.) K. Koch WL[NW] WL[SW]
Carya Pignut hickory C. glabra (Mill.) Sweet St[SW]
Carya Shagbark hickory C. ovata (Mill.) K. Koch. St[SW]
Catalpa Northern Catalpa C. speciosa Worden B[N] A[E]
Catalpa Southern Catalpa C. bignonioides Walt. A[E] "a smaller tree less hardy"
Celtis Hackberry C. occidentalis L. WL[SW]
Chamaecyparis False cypress C. nootkatensis (D. Don) Spach F[Q]
Cladastris Yellow wood C. lutea (Michx.) K. Koch. M[N]
Cercidiphyllum Katsura tree C. japonicum Sieb. & Zucc. W[Q]
Cornus Alternate-leaved dogwood C. alternifolia L. f. WL[NE]
Cornus Red osier dogwood C. stolonifora Michx. A[NE]
Cornus Red osier dogwood C. stolonifora cv Haviranea A[SW]
Crataegus Cockspur hawthorn C. crus-galli L. W[NE] *
Crataegus Downy hawthorn C. mollis (T&G) Scheele W[NE] W[NW]
Crataegus Lavalle hawthorn C. x lavallei Herincq A[E]
Crataegus Paul's Scarlet hawthorn C. laevigata (Poir.) DC. cv Paul's Scarlet A[E]
Crataegus Toba hawthorn C. x mordenensis Boom A[E] F[SW]
Elaeagnus Oleaster E. angustifolia L. A[SE]
Fraxinus Black ash F. nigra Marsh. WL[SE]
Fraxinus European ash F. excelsior L. T[S] *
Fraxinus Green ash F. pennsylvanica var. lancolata (Borkh.) Sorg. V[W] A[SW] *
Fraxinus White ash F. americana L. WL[SW] *
Ginko Maidenhair tree G. biloba L. S[S] *
Gleditsia Honey locust G. triacanthos f. inermis (L.) Zeb. St[N] R[N] * thornless
Hamamelis Witch hazel H. virginiana L. A[E]
Juglans Black walnut J. nigra L. WL[NW] *
Juglans Butternut J. cinerea L. WL[SW]
Juniperus Creeping juniper J. horizontalis Moench A{W]
Juniperus Creeping juniper J. horizontalis Moench cv Blaauw A[W]
Juniperus Creeping juniper J. horizontalis Moench cv Gold coast A[W]
Juniperus Creeping juniper J. horizontalis Moench cv Iowa A[W]
Juniperus Creeping juniper J. horizontalis Moench cv Old gold A[W]
Juniperus Creeping juniper J. horizontalis Moench cv Montbatten A[W]
Juniperus Creeping juniper J. horizontalis Moench cv Mint julep A[W]
Juniperus Creeping juniper J. horizontalis Moench var. pfitzeriana cv compacta A[W]
Juniperus Creeping juniper J. horizontalis Moench var. Sargentii cv glauca A[W]
Juniperus Common savin J. sabina L. A[W]
Juniperus Common savin J. sabina L. cv Blue Danube A[W]
Juniperus Common savin J. sabina L. cv tamarisifolia A[W]
Juniperus Himalayan juniper J. squamata D. Don. cv Blue star A[W]
Juniperus Red Cedar J. virginiana L. cv Hetzi A[W]
Juniperus Red Cedar J. virginiana L. cv ramlosa A[W]
Juniperus Red Cedar J. virginiana L. cv Sky rocket A[W]
Juniperus Western juniper J. scopulorum Sorg. cv Gray gleam A[W]
Juniperus Western juniper J. scopulorum Sorg. cv Greenspire A[W]
Juniperus Western juniper J. scopulorum Sorg. cv Witchita blue A[W]
Larix Tamarack L. laricina (DuRoi) K. Koch W[NW]
Ligustrum Common privet L. vulgara L. F[Q] *
Lonicera Fly honeysuckle L. xylosteum L. WL[SE]
Lonicera Tarterian honeysuckle L. tatarica L. WL[NW]
Magnolia Saucer magnolia M. x soulangiana Soulange-Bodin A[E] F[Q]
Magnolia Star magnolia M. stellata (Sieb. & Zucc.) Maxim L[S] *
Malus 'Alney' crab apple M. x 'Alney' A[E] (M. baccata x purmila ?)
Malus Domestic apple M. pumila Mill. WL[SW] *
Malus Hopa crab apple M. 'hopa' A[E] Fr[S]
Malus Profusion crab apple M. x purpurea (Barbier) Rehd. A[E]
Malus Royalty crab apple M. 'Royalty' A[E]
Malus Rudolph crab apple M. 'Rudolph' A[E]
Metasequoia Dawn redwood M. glyptostroboides Hu & Cheng S[N] VH[W]
Morus Red mulberry M. rubra L. WL[SW]
Ostrya Ironwood O. virginiana (Mill.) K. Koch WL[NW] *
Picea Asian spruce P. schrenkiana Fisch. & May A[W]
Picea Black spruce P. mariana (Mill.) Brill. A[W]
Picea Blue spruce P. pungens Engelm. A[W]
Picea Japanese spruce P. hoyamai Shirasawa A[W]
Picea Norway spruce P. abies (L.) Karst A[W]
Picea Oriental spruce P. orientalis (L.) Link A[W]
Picea Red spruce P. rubens Sarg. N[N]
Picea Serbian spruce P. omorika Purkyne A[W]
Picea Serbian spruce (H) P. omorika x mariana A[W]
Picea White spruce P. glauca (Moench) Voss A[W] *
Pinus Austrian pine P. nigra Arnold Fr[N] *
Pinus Austrian pine P. nigra var maritima (Ait.) Melville A[NW]
Pinus Austrian pine (H) P. (nigra x resinosa) x nigra A[NW]
Pinus Himalayan pine (H) P. wallichiana A.B. Jacks x strobus L. A[NW] syn. P. excelsa x strobus
Pinus Jack pine P. banksiana Lamb WL[NW]
Pinus Japanese red pine P. densiflora Sieb. & Zucc. A[NW]
Pinus Ponderosa pine P. ponderosa Laws. V[E]
Pinus Scotch pine P. sylvestris L. T[E] *
Pinus White pine P. strobus L. WL[NE] *
Pinus White bark pine P. albicaulis Engelm. A[W]
Platanus London plane tree (H) P. x acerifolia cv Bloodgood (Ait.) Willd. A[E]
Populus Carolina poplar P. x canadensis Moench. WL[NW]
Populus European aspen P. tremula L. N[N]
Populus Largetooth aspen P. grandidentata Michx. WL[NE] *
Populus Trembling aspen P. tremuloides Michx. Ca[W] *
Prunus Black cherry P. serotina Ehrh. WL[SW] *
Prunus Canada plum P. nigra Ait. FA[E] *
Prunus Choke cherry P. virginiana L. WL[NW] *
Prunus Choke cherry P. virginiana cv Schubert A[E]
Prunus Flowering Almond P. triloba Lindl. A[E]
Prunus Flowering cherry (H) P. x cistena N.E. Hansen A[E]
Prunus Flowering cherry P. serrulata cv Amonogaw A[E]
Prunus Flowering cherry P. serrulata cv Kikushidore A[E]
Prunus Flowering cherry P. serrulata cv Kanzan A[E]
Prunus Manchu cherry P. tomentosa Thunb. A[E]
Prunus Sweet cherry P. avium L. WL[SW]
Pyrus Bradford pear P. calleryana Decne. E[W]
Pyrus Common pear P. communis L. E[SW] *
Quercus Bur oak Q. macrocarpa Michx. WL[NW] *
Quercus Chinkapin oak Q. muehlenbergii Engelm. A[N]
Quercus Chinkapin oak Q. muehlenbergii Engelm. A[N]
Quercus English oak Q. robur L. C[S]
Quercus English oak Q. robur cv fastigata A[N] A[W] *
Quercus Pin oak Q. palustris Muenchh. A[N] R[E]
Quercus Red oak Q. rubra L. A[N] *
Quercus Scarlet oak Q. coccinea Muenchh. A[N]
Quercus Shingle oak Q. imbricaria Michx. A[N]
Quercus White oak Q. alba L. A[N] WL[SW]
Rhus Staghorn sumac R. typhina L. P[S] *
Salix Bay willow S. pentandra L. A[E]
Salix Black willow S. nigra Marsh. Ca[W]
Salix Goat willow S. caprea L. A[E]
Salix Peach leaved willow S. amygdaloides Anderss. WL[NW]
Salix Peking willow S. matsudana Koidz. cv tortuosa A[E]
Salix Purple osier S. purpurea L. cv gracilis A[E]
Salix Purple osier S. purpurea L. cv osier A[E]
Salix Sakhalin willow S. sachalinensis Fr. Schmidt A[E]
Salix White weeping willow S. alba var vitellina (L.) Stokes cv tristis A[E]
Sorbaria False spiraea S. arborea Schneid. At[W] A[E]
Sorbus American mountain ash S. america Marsh. WL[NE]
Sorbus European mountain ash S. aucuparia L. F[E] A[E] *
Sorbus European mountain ash S. aucuparia L. cv fastigata F[E] A[E]
Sorbus European mountain ash S. aucuparia L. cv russica F[E] A[E]
Sorbus European mountain ash S. aucuparia L. cv pendula F[E] A[E]
Sorbus Mountain ash (H) S. x thuringiaca (Isle) Fritsch A[E]
Sorbus Swedish White Beam S. intermedia (Ehrh.) Pers. A[E]
Taxus Hicks's Yew (H) T. x media Rehd. cv Hicksii A[W] *
Taxus Yew (H) T. x media Rehd. cv fairview A[W]
Taxus Japanese yew T. cuspidata Sieb. & Zucc. cv aurescens A[W]
Thuja American arborvitae T. occidentalis L. WL[NW] *
Tilia American basswood T. americana L. WL[NW] *
Tilia Small leafed lime T. cordata Mill cv Glenleven A[E]
Tilia Small leafed lime T. cordata Mill cv Greenspire A[E]
Tilia Small leafed lime T. cordata Mill cv America A[E]
Tsuga Eastern hemlock T. canadensis (L.) Carr. WL[NE]
Ulmus American elm U. americana L. WL[NW] *
Ulmus Rock elm U. thomasii Sarg. WL[NW]
Ulmus Slippery elm U. rubra Muhl. WL[SW]
A Arboretum Centre
At Atkinson College
B Behavioral Sciences Building
C Chemistry and Computer Science Building
Ca York Campus
E East Office Building
F Founders College
F Fine Arts Building
Fr Farquharson Building
(H) Hybrid
L Lumbers Building
M McLaughlin College
N Nursery
P Physical Plant
[Q] Quadrangle
R Ross Building
S Scott Library
St Steacie Science Library
T Track and Field Centre
V Vanier College
Va Vari Hall
W Winters College
WL[NW] Boyer Woodlot
WL[NE] North Keele Woodlot
WL[SE] South Keele Woodlot
WL[SW] Osgoode Woodlot
* and elsewhere

Campus Woodlots

BetulaYellow birchB. allegheniensis BrittonNorth Keele Woodlot
CornusAlternate-leaved dogwoodC. alternifolia L. f.North Keele Woodlot
SorbusAmerican mountain ashS. america Marsh.North Keele Woodlot
TsugaEastern hemlockT. canadensis (L.) Carr.North Keele Woodlot
PinusWhite pineP. strobus L.North Keele Woodlot *
Populus Largetooth aspen P. grandidentata Michx. North Keele Woodlot *
Acer Sugar maple A. saccharum L. Marsh. North Keele Woodlot *
Acer Mountain maple A. spicatum Lam. Boyer Woodlot
Carpinus Blue beech C. caroliniana Walt. Boyer Woodlot
Lonicera Tarterian honeysuckle L. tatarica L. Boyer Woodlot
Pinus Jack pine P. banksiana Lamb Boyer Woodlot
Populus Carolina poplar P. x canadensis Moench. Boyer Woodlot
Salix Peach leaved willow S. amygdaloides Anderss. Boyer Woodlot
Ulmus Rock elm U. thomasii Sarg. Boyer Woodlot
Ostrya Ironwood O. virginiana (Mill.) K. Koch Boyer Woodlot *
Prunus Choke cherry P. virginiana L. Boyer Woodlot *
Quercus Bur oak Q. macrocarpa Michx. Boyer Woodlot *
Thuja American arborvitae T. occidentalis L. Boyer Woodlot *
Tilia American basswood T. americana L. Boyer Woodlot *
Ulmus American elm U. americana L. Boyer Woodlot *
Acer Soft maple A. negundo L. Boyer Woodlot *
Juglans Black walnut J. nigra L. Boyer Woodlot *
Carya Bitternut hickory C. cordiformis (Wang.) K. Koch Boyer Woodlot + Osgoode Woodlot
Betula Grey birch B. populifolia Marsh. Boyer Woodlot
Fraxinus Black ash F. nigra Marsh. South Keele Woodlot
Lonicera Fly honeysuckle L. xylosteum L. South Keele Woodlot
Acer Silver maple A. saccharinum L. South Keele Woodlot *
Celtis Hackberry C. occidentalis L. Osgoode Woodlot
Morus Red mulberry M. rubra L. Osgoode Woodlot
Prunus Sweet cherry P. avium L. Osgoode Woodlot
Ulmus Slippery elm U. rubra Muhl. Osgoode Woodlot
Prunus Black cherry P. serotina Ehrh. Osgoode Woodlot *
Fraxinus White ash F. americana L. Osgoode Woodlot *
Malus Domestic apple M. pumila Mill. Osgoode Woodlot *
Juglans Butternut J. cinerea L. Osgoode Woodlot
Abbreviations* and elsewhere
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